Understand about the residence permit for professors and researchers in Brazil

Migrant professionals who work as professors and/or researchers and who want to come to Brazil for projects, without employment in the country, must have a residence permit for professors and researchers.

This Normative Resolution has been in existence since 2017 and demands from the migrant some actions to obtain authorization and work on academic projects in Brazil. In this post, we explain to you how the granting of this authorization works. Come on?

What are the conditions for obtaining the residency for professor or researcher?

The first condition for the professional to be entitled to a residence permit is to meet the prerequisite of being a professor or researcher. In addition, the end goal of your application should be focused on academic research projects. It is important to note that this is a category of authorization that can only be requested by professionals who intend to stay in Brazil for more than 90 days, that is, three months.

In addition, we reinforce that the migrant cannot have an employment relationship in Brazil. The professional can work with several partners, such as companies, educational institutions, support foundations and technology parks. In this sense, your condition is that of a service provider, that is, having a contract as a legal entity or as a beneficiary of research grants awarded.

Where to apply for authorization?

Those interested in applying for a residence permit for professors and researchers have two options of places to present their documentation. The person can look for the consular authority, if he/she is abroad, or the General Coordination of Labor Immigration.

After completing the necessary procedure and approval by the responsible body, the interested party must go to a Federal Police unit to register. It is important to note that, once approved, the authorization has a maximum validity period of 2 years.

What documents are needed?

To apply for a residence permit for professors and researchers, the migrant professional must present documents in accordance with the research project he will carry out:

– copy of the MCTIC Ordinance authorizing the activity and its participation, published in the Federal Official Gazette;

– signed Commitment term;

– legal act that governs the legal entity duly registered with the competent body or identification document, in the case of an individual interested in the request;

– statement issued by the institution responsible for funding the scholarship;

– invitation in the name of the migrant, in which there is reference to the international agreement recognized by the MRE, which supports his/her coming to the country, as well as the conditions of stay, the activity to be carried out, the intended term and the declaration that he will not be remunerated by source Brazilian;

– inter-institutional agreement or similar instrument entered into between the interested Brazilian higher education institution and the foreign higher education or research institution.

This is a bureaucratic process and takes time from stakeholders. To gain more agility in this process, it is important to be able to count on subject matter experts. The lack of in-depth knowledge of the particularities of each visa can delay its issuance and negatively impact your projects.

To obtain the residence permit for professors and researchers, count on the specialists of BR-Visa, a reference company in migration consultancy and specialized in obtaining visas and documents necessary for the entry and stay of migrants in Brazil.


Want to know more about BR-Visa services? Visit our website and learn about the advantages we have for you and your company.

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