Deadline for immigration regularization is extended by the Federal Police

Ordinance No. 28, of March 11, 2022, extended until September 15, 2022 the deadline for obtaining or registering a residence permit, and for registering a temporary visa, for foreigners whose immigration documentation has expired as of March 16, 2020.

According to the publication, the migrant regularized within the established period will not be penalized for delay in registration or excessive stay during that period. However, the penalty waiver does not apply to administrative infractions committed by migrants that occurred before March 16, 2020.

The service protocols related to migratory regularization and request for recognition of refugee status, national migratory registration card (CRNM), and provisional documents for national migratory registration (DPRNM) expired as of March 16, 2020, are considered extended and valid, and must be accepted for all purposes until September 15, 2022, including for purposes of registration, renewal or transformation of term, provided that the rules of the Ordinance are met.

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Picture: Freepik

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