Brazilian government amends resolution on real estate investor visa

On this Monday, August 8th, the National Immigration Council from Brazil published , Resolution No. 46, which amends Normative Resolution No. 36, which stablishes the rules for granting a residence permit for real estate investors in Brazil. The main changes brought by Resolution No. 46 are related to deadlines:

  • The residency period granted is now 4 years (it was 2 years before);
  • The real estate investor must stay in Brazil for at least 14 days, consecutive or interspersed, every two years, counted from the registration with the Federal Police. Previously, the minimum stay required was 30 days during the period granted in the residence permit.

Also according to the Resolution, after a period of 4 years, the initial residence permit may be changed for an indefinite period. Another important point is that the real estate investor who has obtained an initial residence permit for a period of less than 4 years may also request its renewal until the period necessary for the change for an indefinite period, provided that the conditions that generated the concession are maintained.

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Picture: Freepik

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